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31. Juli-7. August 2022
Nienburg, Deutschland
Rural Youth Europe
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Shaping Future – Dialogue for sustainability in rural areas

Ziel ist es, dass die Teilnehmer ein Bewusstsein für den Klimawandel und die Nachhaltigkeit in einem ländlichen Kontext entwickeln und Fähigkeiten für eine friedliche Zusammenarbeit entwickeln.

Bericht: Rally 2022 Nienburg

Aims & Objectives

  • to raise awareness of the need for sustainability through sharing knowledge developing understanding of the importance of sustainable practices

  • to get an overview of different aspects of sustainability such as consumption of land, water, forest, workforce etc.

  • explore sustainable strategies of different organisations, regions and countries including sharing best practice (exchanging creative ideas, methods and activities)

  • examine businesses within rural communities and explore any strategies they have in place to ensure a sustainable future and get insights on regional food production, recycling, saving carbon dioxide etc.

  • explore the democracies of each country and youth organisations and connecting this with community life, pressures, methods of creating strategies/policies and how they are disseminated

  • empower young people to develop, strengthen and support their local communities