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RYE Study Session

24. Februar-3. März 2019
European Youth Centre Budapest
Rural Youth Europe
LJ Image

Democritical - Joint Study Session by RYEurope and CEJA


The aim of the study session is to trough understanding the complications that rural youth are faced with in democratic processes, find innovative and engaging ways of participating.



  • Learn what democratic process is

  • Analyse how rural youth is involved/not involved in the process and recognising the barriers that hinder youth’s participation in democratic processes

  • Learn how emotions impact democratic processes

  • Look at the possibilities and take action

  • Empower youth to participate in democratic processes


The study session is facilitated by using non-formal educational methods, where participants will be actively participating in the sessions and discuss their views and experiences on the topic. The sessions include a variety of methods such as group work and visits of experts.